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The Ultimate Intrigue Playtest. |
What you'll find below is a wholly new modular-style class that was conceived, designed, and edited in a span of just two days. The scion is an exercise in seeing what modular class building can be for Pathfinder and also served as a mental exercise in class design and concepting. The scion is a leader or leaders destined to step to the forefront of a society or organization they lead. Maybe you'll have a scion at your table soon!
If you use the scion in your games, let us know what you think in the comments section!
In every generation there are those who rise to the occasion
of leadership, be they a noble king, a tribal elder, a high priest, or some
other title. These paragons of their communities and societies command respect
and are renowned as just kings, cruel tyrants, and all measures in between.
Scions are preternaturally gifted individuals possessed of a singular ability
to command the will of others as both leaders and representatives. No two
scions are the same; a scion of nobility navigates courtly intrigue, a scion of
nature understands the delicate balance of the natural world and the
supernatural forces that govern it, a scion of faith leads the masses of his
religion and understands its most obscure tenets. Regardless of their origin, a
scion is likely to be remembered for generations to come in the history books
of their culture—be it as a hero or a villain.
Role: A scions is
a natural leader, commanding abilities based on the culture she represents. As
such, different scions can fill different roles in a party. Generally, a scion
is not a front-line combatant, but rather shares her expertise with her
adventuring party and helps her allies use their own abilities to a greater
extent. Some scions, depending on their origin, may gain greater combat ability
or even limited spellcasting power.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills
The scion’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local)
(Int), Perception (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Starting Wealth: 3d6
× 10 gp (average 105 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an
outfit worth 10 gp or less.
1: The Scion
Attack Bonus
Affinity, determination, guidance
(+1d6), origin
Affinity, inspiring leadership
Inspiring leadership +2, guidance
Bonus feat
Inspiring leadership +3
Bonus feat
Affinity, guidance (+1d10)
Inspiring leadership +4
Bonus feat
Inspiring leadership +5
Greater tactician, guidance
Inspiring leadership +6
Bonus feat
Legendary scion
Class Features
The following are class features for the scion.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A scion is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor
(but not shields).
Affinity: At 1st
level a scion gains access to an ability related to the nature of the scion's
origin called an affinity. An affinity is chosen from the list of available
affinities detailed in the scion's origin. A scion gains an additional affinity
at 2nd level, and another at 4th level and every 3rd level thereafter. Once an affinity
is chosen it may not be changed.
Origin: At 1st
level a scion chooses their origin, representing the community they were
trained in and the type of society that they exemplify as they grow in levels.
A scion's origin determines the nature of her affinities and also grants
additional class skills. Class skills granted by an origin may also be modified
by the guidance ability. A scion's origin may not be changed once chosen.
Inspiring Leadership
(Ex): Scions are paragons of leadership. At 2nd level a scion gains the
leadership feat and adds a +1 bonus to her effective leadership score. A scion
does not gain any followers at 2nd level, but does gain the aid of a cohort who
must be of the adept, commoner, expert, or warrior NPC classes. This cohort
gains levels as per the leadership feat, and must always be one level lower
than the scion. A scion's cohort is drawn from the same kind of community a
scion's origin represents. At 5th level the scion's cohort may begin taking
levels in a PC class (typically one similar to the NPC class she chose, such as
cleric or witch for an adept, fighter for a warrior, etc.)
a scion may spend a full-round action directing the actions of his allies in
battle. Doing so grants a competence bonus to either attack rolls, saving
throws, or skill checks equal to the bonus conferred by inspiring leadership to
all allies in 60 feet who can hear and see the scion. The scion may maintain
this bonus each round after the first by spending a move action to continue to
direct her allies. The scion may change what checks are modifier by her inspiring
leadership ability each round as a free action at the beginning of her turn.
If you
are using the mass combat rules from Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign a scion
adds their inspiring leadership bonus to the total DV and OM values of any unit
they are a part of.
Determination (Ex):
At 1st level a scion is capable of pushing herself or others to succeed at any
given task. She gains a number of points of determination equal to 3 + 1/2 your
scion level (minimum +1). Determination fuels the scion's guidance ability and
origin affinities. A scion's determination replenishes at the start of each
Guidance (Ex): At
1st level a scion may expend 1 point of determination as a free action to
modify a Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check by 1d6. This
ability increases to 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at 10th level, and 1d12 at 15th
level. A scion may expend 2 points of determination as an immediate action to
instead grant this bonus to an ally within 30 feet that she can see and hear
who is attempting one of the listed skill checks. A scion's origin adds
additional skills that may be influenced by guidance.
Tactician (Ex):
At 2nd level, a scion receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. She must meet
the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the scion can grant this
feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. All allies retain
the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the
scion possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus
feats. The scion can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, plus one
additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.
Bonus Feat: A
scion gains a bonus teamwork feat at 3rd level and an additional bonus teamwork
feat at every 3rd level thereafter. Some scion affinities add additional types
of feats that may be chosen as bonus feats.
Master Tactician (Ex): At 15th level, the scion receives an additional teamwork feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the requirements for this feat. The scion can grant this fear to her allies using the tactician ability. Whenever the scion uses the tactician ability, she grants any two teamwork feats that she knows. She can select from any of her teamwork feats, not just her bonus feats.
Legendary Scion (Ex): At 20th level a scion's leadership and renown is a thing of myth and legend, doubling her total number of followers gained from Leadership. The scion also regains a point of determination whenever she succeeds at a skill check with a DC of 30 or higher. Additionally, she may roll an additional guidance die and take the highest result among the dice rolled.
Legendary Scion (Ex): At 20th level a scion's leadership and renown is a thing of myth and legend, doubling her total number of followers gained from Leadership. The scion also regains a point of determination whenever she succeeds at a skill check with a DC of 30 or higher. Additionally, she may roll an additional guidance die and take the highest result among the dice rolled.
A scion of nobility comes from the blood of sovereigns that rule entire nations. While possibly an heir to an empire or kingdom, some noble scions are from exiled families deposed by ruthless tyrants, or refugees from a fallen kingdom. Other noble scions trace their ancestry back to rulers thousands of years removed, yet have been groomed to one day assume their family's rightful mantle.
Class Skills: A
scion of nobility adds Knowledge (nobility) and Ride to her class skills.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A scion of nobility gains proficiency with one martial weapon
of their choice and all medium armor and shields (but not tower shields.)
A scion of nobility may choose from the following
Affluence (Ex):
Whether you have wealthy parents or a secret benefactor seeking to aid your
rise to power, someone has a vested interest in your success and is willing to
commit gold to your cause. At each level you gain a stipend of gold through
direct or indirect means (the details of which are up to the GM) equal to 250gp
x your scion level. If you choose this ability at 1st level you apply the
stipend to your starting gold.
Banner (Ex): When
you fly the banner of your family, others are inspired. You gain the banner
ability of a cavalier equal to your scion level.
Blood of Kings (Su):
There is otherworldly power in your blood from somewhere in your ancestry,
allowing you to use your blood to enhance certain effects. Once per day, if you
are capable of casting spells, you may draw your own blood as part of casting
the spell (this adds a somatic component to any spell cast if it does not
already have one) inflicting up to 1 point of damage per scion level. For every
5 points of damage inflicted you may increase the caster level of the spell being
cast by 1, to a maximum number of additional caster levels equal to your
Charisma bonus. Additionally, if you are willing or helpless, an adjacent
spellcaster can tap into the power of your blood by inflicting damage to you as
part of casting a spell (adding a somatic component to the spell as described
above), granting the same bonus to caster level as you would normally gain. You
must be at least 5th level to choose this affinity.
Booming Voice (Ex):
You can shout your commands further than normal, doubling the range of your inspiring
leadership ability.
Chevalier (Ex):
You gain proficiency with all martial weapons, heavy armor, and shields (except
tower shields.) Additionally, you count as a fighter of a level equal to your
scion level -4 for purposes of qualifying for feats.
Courtly Recovery (Ex):
Whenever you would fail a Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check
you may spend 1 point of determination to reroll that check.
Great Leadership (Ex):
You attract twice the number of followers with your leadership feat. You must
be at least 12th level to take this affinity.
Heir of High Society
(Ex): While in a settlement with an alignment within one step of your own,
NPCs who represent the legitimate authority of that settlement (city watch,
militia, government officials, etc.) have their starting attitude toward you increased
by one step. At 7th level, if the settlement's alignment completely matches
your own, eligible NPCs have their starting attitudes increased by two steps.
Power in a Name (Ex):
When using guidance to modify a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check you may
roll the bonus dice from guidance twice and take the higher result so long as
you invoke your origin ancestry as part of making the check.
Quell the Masses (Ex):
You may spend a point of social grace to attempt to break the spirits of your
enemies. Perform an Intimidate check to demoralize foes as a full-round action
against all opponents within 30 feet that can hear you. You may choose to not
apply the shaken condition to some of the creatures you successfully demoralize
and instead modify their attitude. You can choose to modify the attitudes of a
number of creatures equal to your Charisma bonus and their attitude stays
modified for 1d6 minutes + one minute per scion level. You may use this ability
once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 3 scion levels you
Supreme Authority
(Sp): You may spend a point of determination to use command as a spell-like ability. Treat your scion level as your
effective caster level. At 10th level you may instead use greater command as a spell-like ability.
Valiant Defense (Ex):
As a standard action you may defend one ally within your reach, granting them a
deflection bonus to their Armor Class equal to your Charisma bonus. If this
ally is your cohort you increase this bonus to AC by an amount equal to your
inspiring leadership bonus. At 15th level you may use this ability as a move
action instead of a standard action. You must be at least 5th level to select
this affinity.
Scions of war are groomed from a young age to take to the
field of battle and command armies. These scions are a blend of front-line
combatant and tactician, capable of leading a battle from the front. A scion of
war has known conflict her entire life and is destined not only for great
things, but great bloodshed as well. Battle follows a scion of war whether she
seeks it or not, and these individuals are often times unable to escape a life
of violence and warfare.
Class Skills: A
scion of war adds Knowledge (engineering) and Ride to her class skills.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A scion of war gains proficiency in all martial weapons,
medium and heavy armor, and shields (including tower shields.)
A scion of nobility may choose from the following
Body of War (Ex):
You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. Additionally, you deal
unarmed damage as a monk of your scion level.
Bulwark (Ex): You
are efficient in the use of armor. While you are using inspire leadership, you
lower the armor check penalty and increase the AC bonus of one suit of armor or
shield you are wearing by an amount equal to half your inspiring leadership
bonus. If you spend one point of determination you increase this modifier for
one ally to that of your full inspiring leadership bonus for one round.
Bypass Defenses (Ex): You
may spend one point of determination as a swift action while making a melee or
ranged attack to ignore a number of points of your opponent's damage reduction
equal to twice your inspiring leadership bonus.
Clear the Path (Ex):
You may make one overrun attempt as part of a charge attack to move through an
enemy's square to reach the target of your charge. You suffer double the normal
penalty to AC from charging when you use this affinity. If you fail this
overrun attempt you may still make your charge attack on the enemy that blocked
your movement. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, you may make an
overrun attempt against one additional enemy in your path.
Combat Prowess (Ex):
You may take combat feats as well as teamwork feats as your scion bonus feats.
Additionally, you add your inspiring leadership bonus to your Combat Maneuver
Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, even when not actively sustaining the
Focused Strike (Ex):
You may spend one point of determination as a free action to gain a +1
competence bonus on all your attack rolls for one round. This bonus increases
by +1 for every 5 levels to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
Graceful Critical
(Ex): You may spend one point of determination when you critically threaten
an opponent to add your guidance die to your critical confirmation roll. You
must use this ability before you make your critical confirmation roll. You must
be at least 7th level to take this affinity.
Siege Commander (Ex):
You may spend one point of determination to double the bonus on attack rolls
granted by your inspiring leadership to any attack roll made with a siege
Shake it Off (Ex):
You may spend one point of determination on your turn to remove the confused,
dazed, staggered, or stunned condition from yourself. You must be at least 12th
level to take this affinity.
Stalwart (Ex):
When you must make a Fortitude save you may spend one point of determination to
add your guidance die to your saving throw result. You must choose to use this
ability before you make your saving throw.
Ravage (Ex): When
you confirm a critical hit on an opponent, you may spend one point of determination
as an immediate action to lower their AC by an amount equal to your inspiring
leadership bonus for 1 round. You must be at least 10th level to select this
Weapon Training (Ex):
You count your scion level as fighter levels for purposes of qualifying for
feats. You also receive the weapon training class feature as a fighter equal to
your scion level. You must be at least 7th level to take this affinity.
A scion of faith has a powerful tie to religion, be it that she
was raised by a church from youth or was touched by divinity at an older age.
Faith is both a tool and a source of power for this scion, granting her the
ability to heal injuries, protect herself and others, and even cast divine
spells. Scions of faith aspire to lead their religion into a new age through
deeds and legacy.
Class Skills: A
scion of faith adds Heal and Knowledge (religion) to her class skills.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A scion of faith gains proficiency in her deity's favored
weapon as well as medium armor and shields (except tower shields.)
A scion of faith may choose from the following affinities.
Divine Scion: When
you take this affinity you gain the ability to cast divine spells from the
cleric spell list. You cast and your spells as an oracle and determine your
number of spells known and spells per day based on the table below. However,
you may only cast spells of up to 2nd level. Spells of 3rd level and higher are
not considered to be on your class spell list. You use your Charisma to
determine the highest level of spells you are capable of casting (unless your
affinities limit this further), as well as the DCs of your spells, and bonus
spells per day. Like a cleric, you require a divine focus (typically a holy
symbol of your faith) to cast most divine spells.
Divine Weapon (Su):
You may spend one point of determination as a swift action to grant a weapon
you wield the holy (if good-aligned) or unholy (if evil-aligned) weapon
property for one round per point of Charisma bonus. If you are neutral you must
choose whether this ability grants the holy or unholy weapon property when
selecting this affinity. You must be at least 5th level to choose this
Domain: You gain one domain (or subdomain) normally granted by your deity. You treat your scion level as your cleric level for purposes of domain powers. Any bonus spells granted by your domain are added to your spell list and spells known provided they are of a level you can cast.
Domain: You gain one domain (or subdomain) normally granted by your deity. You treat your scion level as your cleric level for purposes of domain powers. Any bonus spells granted by your domain are added to your spell list and spells known provided they are of a level you can cast.
Faith Healing (Su):
You may spend a point of determination to touch a creature as a standard action
and heal them, provided they are of your religion. This ability heals 1d6
points of damage for every 3 scion levels you possess.
Greater Divine Scion:
You increase your ability to cast divine spells. You gain the ability to cast up
to 4th level cleric spells as appropriate for your scion level. Spells of 5th
level and higher are not considered to be on your class spell list. This
affinity modifies divine scion. You must be at least 7th level to take this
Mercy (Su): You
gain the mercy ability of a paladin, save that you may remove the associated status effect as
a standard action that costs one point of determination rather than as a part
of lay on hands. If you have the faith healing affinity you may use mercy as
part of using faith healing, without expending an additional use of determination.
Your effective paladin level is equal to your scion level -4. When you take
this affinity you may select one mercy available based on your effective
paladin level. You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you may
select a new mercy available to you. You must be at least 7th level to choose
this affinity.
Prayer Leader (Su):
By expending one point of determination as a standard action you increase the
power of one divine spellcaster within 30 feet that can see and hear you. The
target of prayer leader gains a bonus to their effective caster level equal to
half your inspiring leader bonus (minimum +1.) If the divine spellcaster
worships the same deity as you, you do not need to spend determination to use
this ability. You may use this ability once per day, plus one additional time
per day at 7th level and every seven levels thereafter.
Sacred Blast (Su):
As a standard action you may hurl a blast of energy as a ranged touch attack
with a range of 30 feet. You choose one type of energy when you take this
affinity (acid, cold, electricity, or fire.) Sacred blast deals 1d6 points of
energy damage + 1 additional point every 3 scion levels. If you spend one point
of determination when you use this ability it instead deals 1d6 points of
energy damage for every 2 scion levels you possess and half of the damage is
your chosen energy type, while the other half is divine damage and not subject
to energy resistance. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal
to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Shepherd of the Masses
(Ex): You may expend one point of determination as part of activating your
inspiring leadership ability. Every creature affected by your inspiring
leadership gains a +10 enhancement bonus to their land speed and may ignore the
effects of difficult terrain for 1 minute per point of your Charisma bonus or
until you cease maintaining inspiring leadership. Allies who move out of range
of your inspiring leadership prematurely end this effect for themselves.
Shield the Masses
(Su): By spending 10 minutes in prayer and using one point of determination
you can bestow divine protection on a number of creatures equal to twice your
Charisma bonus. You may either grant your allies a morale bonus on Will saving
throws versus fear, Fortitude saves versus disease, or Reflex saves versus
traps equal to your inspiring leadership bonus. This protection lasts for 10
minutes per scion level. You must be at least 5th level to select this
Summon Servitor (Su):
You gain the service of an extraplanar representative of your deity. This
servitor acts as an unchained summoner's eidolon and must be of an outsider
subtype with an alignment within one step of both you and your deity. You treat
your effective summoner level as your scion level -5 for purposes of your
servitor's strength and abilities. A divine scion's servitor does not gain an
eidolon's evolution pool, link, or share spells abilities. Summoning your
servitor requires 1 hour of uninterrupted prayer which may be performed during
the hour in which you regain your spells during the day. You can dismiss your
servitor as a standard action. The servitor otherwise functions identically to
an unchained summoner's eidolon. You must be at least 7th level to choose this
True Divine Scion:
Your ability to cast divine spells becomes as powerful as possible for a scion.
You may now cast divine spells from the cleric spell list of up to 6th level,
as appropriate for your scion level. Spells of 7th level and higher are not
considered to be on your class spell list. This ability modifies greater divine
scion. You must be at least 13th level to take this affinity.
Scions of nature are often raised within druid enclaves or
fringe communities of fey. Detatched from urban societies, they command the
respect and adulation of the wilderness and animals, building kingdoms of forests
and fortresses of mountains. Scions of nature assume leadership positions among
groups of dedicated rangers, druids, and shamans while using their abilities to
tap into the natural world.
Class Skills: A
scion of nature adds Knowledge (nature) and Survival to her class skills.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A scion of nature gains no additional weapon or armor
A scion of nature may choose from the following affinities.
Animal Shapes (Su):
You may transform into an animal as a standard action as per beast shape I for one hour per scion
level per day. Changing back to your original form is a move action. The
duration of this ability need not be used consecutively but must be used in one
hour increments. At 13th level this functions as beast shape II, and beast
shape III at 19th level. You must be at least 4th level to choose this
Animal Trainer (Ex):
You gain Handle Animal as a class skill and may use guidance to modify checks
with this skill. Additionally, your inspiring leadership ability functions on
creatures of the animal type, regardless of their Intelligence score.
Circle Magic (Su):
You may initiate and lead a special kind of ritual spellcasting known as circle
magic. You may perform circle magic with a number of divine spellcasters equal
to your Charisma bonus. When you perform circle magic, all spellcasters
involved must join hands with one another to form a complete circuit. The
circle leader is designated at the start of the ritual and must possess the
circle magic affinity or coven hag ability (or witch hex.) The circle leader
chooses a spell she knows to cast, and increases its casting time by 1 hour per
spell level. Each additional participant in circle magic beyond the circle
leader sacrifices a prepared spell or spell per day (or any number of spells
prepared or spells per day) totaling the level of the spell being cast by the
circle leader. If at any time any participant in circle magic fails a
Concentration check to maintain casting the spell, the spell fails and spell
being cast is lost. At the end of the casting time, the circle leader casts her
chosen spell and increases the spell's effective caster level by the number of
participants in the circle. You must be at least 10th level to choose this
Greater Nature Magic:
You increase your ability to cast druid spells. You gain the ability to cast up
to 4th level druid spells as appropriate for your scion level. Spells of 5th
level and higher are not considered to be on your class spell list. This
affinity modifies nature magic. You must have the nature magic affinity and be
at least 7th level to take this affinity.
Nature Bond: You
gain the nature bond ability of a druid equal to your scion level -4. This
ability must take the form of an animal companion, chosen from the list of
available druid animal companions. You must be at least 7th level to take this
Nature Magic: When
you take this affinity you gain the ability to cast divine spells from the
druid spell list. You prepare and cast your spells as an oracle, and your druid
spells are based on your Charisma score. You determine your number of spells
known and spells per day based on the tables below. However, you may only cast
spells of up to 2nd level and spells of 3rd level and higher are not considered
to be on your class spell list.
Nature's Lure (Sp):
By spending one point of social grace you may alter the attitude of any
creature of the animal, fey, or plant type as if by charm monster. You may use this ability once per day, plus one
additional time per day at 15th level. You must be at least 7th level to choose
this affinity.
Nature's Warrior (Ex):
You gain proficiency with medium armor as well as scimitars, shortbows,
composite shortbows, longbow, and composite longbows.
True Nature Magic:
Your ability to cast druid spells becomes as powerful as possible for a scion.
You may now cast divine spells from the druid class list of up to 6th level, as
appropriate for your scion level. Spells of 7th level and higher are not
considered to be on your class spell list. This ability modifies greater nature
magic. You must have the greater nature magic affinity and be at least 13th
level to take this affinity.
Wild Empathy (Ex):
You gain the wild empathy ability as a druid of your scion level.
Whispers in Wood (Su):
You may speak with plants for up to
one minute per day per scion level. This duration need not be spent
consecutively, but must be used in one minute increments.
Woodland Stride (Ex):
You gain the woodland stride druid class ability. At 10th level you may confer
this ability on one ally within 30 feet per point of your Charisma bonus. You
must be at least 4th level to choose this affinity.
While the likes of wizards and sorcerers command tremendous
arcane power, few are as qualified to lead academies of arcane study or entire
cabals of wizards as an arcana scion. Versed in arcane knowledge and gifted
with unusual supernatural powers, arcana scions blend tactical knowledge and
logistical know-how with the ability to grasp the very nature of magic and bend
it to their will.
Class Skills: A
scion of arcana adds Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft to her class skills.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A scion of arcana gains no additional weapon or armor
A scion of arcana may choose from the following affinities.
Arcane Blast (Su):
Choose one element (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). As a standard action you
may fire a blast of your chosen energy as a ranged touch attack. This blast has
a range of 30 feet and deals 1d6 points of energy damage + 1 additional point
for every 3 scion levels. If you spend one point of determination when using
this ability it instead deals 1d6 points of energy damage per two scion levels.
If a creature you attack with arcane blast reduces the damage it would do to 0
due to energy resistance or immunity you may spend one point of determination
as an immediate action to regain one daily use of arcane blast. You may use
arcane blast a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Arcane Magic: When
you take this affinity you gain the ability to cast arcane spells from the
magus spell list. You prepare and cast your spells as a sorcerer and your magus
spells are based on your Charisma score rather than Intelligence. You determine
your number of spells known and spells per day based on the tables below.
However, you may only cast spells of up to 2nd level and spells of 3rd level
and higher are not considered to be on your class spell list.
Arcane Shield (Su):
Choose one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). As a standard action
you may erect a transparent sphere of your chosen energy around yourself,
granting you energy resistance 5 to your chosen element. If you are struck by a
melee attack from an adjacent creature you may discharge this effect, ending
arcane shield prematurely, to inflict one point of energy damage per point of
your Charisma modifier to the creature that struck you. If you spend one point
of determination when you discharge arcane shield, you instead deal 1d4 points
of energy damage per point of Charisma modifer to the attacking target. Arcane
shield lasts for one round per scion level. You may use this ability a number
of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Artificer: You gain Use Magic Device as a class skill.
Additionally, you may cast detect magic
as a spell-like ability at will, and may take item creation feats as well as
teamwork feats as scion bonus feats.
Cooperative Spell
Knowledge (Su): As a full-round action you may grant one adjacent,
spontaneous arcane spellcaster access to a number of your spells known of a total
combined level equal to your Charisma modifier. The spellcaster treats these
spells as being on his spells known list (and his class spell list at the same
level the spells are for you.) So long as you spend a full-round action each
round and your allied spellcaster does not move more than 5 feet from you, they
retain this spell knowledge and may cast these spells using their own caster
level and primary casting ability score. This does not allow a spellcaster to
cast a spell of a level higher than he would normally be able to.
if you sit with a prepared arcane spellcaster (such as a wizard or magus) you
can forge an eldritch bond with their mind, allowing them to scribe spells into
their spellbook from your spells known as if you were a prepared spellcaster
with a spellbook. You must be present during the entire scribing process, and
any interruption ruins the attempt. The prepared spellcaster must still pay the
normal costs for scribing a spell into their spellbook. You must have the
arcane magic affinity and be at least 7th level to choose this affinity.
Eldritch Student:
You gain Linguistics as a class skill. Additionally, you may cast read magic as a spell-like ability at
will, and may take metamagic feats as well as teamwork feats as scion bonus
Eldritch Trapfinder
(Ex): You gain the ability to disable magical traps as a rogue with the
trapfinding ability. To disable a magic trap you spend one point of determination
and make a Spellcraft check rather than a Disable Device check against the
trap's DC. You must be at least 4th level to choose this affinity.
Familiar: You gain
a familiar per the arcane bond ability as a wizard of your scion level.
Greater Arcane Magic:
You increase your ability to cast arcane spells. You gain the ability to cast up
to 4th level magus spells as appropriate for your scion level. Spells of 5th
level and higher are not considered to be on your class spell list. This
affinity modifies arcane magic. You must have the arcane magic affinity and be
at least 7th level to take this affinity.
True Arcane Magic:
Your ability to cast arcane spells becomes as powerful as possible for a scion.
You may now cast arcane spells from the magus class list of up to 6th level, as
appropriate for your scion level. This
ability modifies greater arcane magic. You must have the greater arcane magic
affinity and be at least 13th level to take this affinity.
Runic Trap (Su):
Choose an energy type (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) when you choose this
affinity. As a standard action you may create a brightly glowing runic trap of
that energy type, filling a five foot square within 30 feet. A character
entering a space with a runic trap triggers it, dealing 1d6 points of energy
damage to the triggering creature per 2 scion levels. A Reflex save (DC 10 +
1/2 your scion level + your Charisma modifier) reduces the damage by half. The
rune magic trap persists for 1 round per scion level, or until triggered. If
you spend one point of determination when using this ability you render the
runic trap difficult to detect after being cast, requiring a Perception check
(with a DC equal to the runic trap's save DC) to notice. A character capable of
disabling magic traps can disable a runic trap with a successful Disable Device
check against a DC equal to the save DC of the trap. You may use this ability a
number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Scions of intrigue come from many backgrounds, be it as a
spy working within a royal court, to a canny thief climbing the ranks of an
infamous guild. These clever individuals utilize cunning and subterfuge to
accomplish their goals and are ultimately suited to become spymasters and guild
leaders in their own right.
Class Skills: A
scion of arcana adds Sleight of Hand and Stealth to her class skills.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A scion of intrigue gains proficiency in the shortsword,
shortbow, whip, and hand crossbow and with bucklers.
A scion of intrigue may choose from the following
Alter Ego (Ex): You
gain Disguise as a class skill and may use social maneuvers to modify your
Disguise check. Additionally, you develop an alternate persona to masquerade
as. Once the details of this persona have been decided they cannot be changed.
If you attempt to disguise yourself as a different person you do not receive
the benefit of this affinity for that Disguise check. You gain a bonus on
Disguise checks equal to your inspiring leadership bonus to appear as this
persona. Each time you select this affinity you may create another alter ego.
Cruelest Cut (Ex):
Whenever you successfully use Diplomacy to successfully influence a creature's
attitude you may spend 1 point of determination to deal sneak attack damage
(regardless of whether or not the target is denied his Dexterity bonus or not)
on all attacks made against the influenced creature for one round. You may
continue to spend determination to make sneak attacks for up to one minute
after successfully influencing your target. You must be at least 7th level to
choose this affinity.
In the Name of (Ex): You
may make a Diplomacy check to affect a creature's attitude towards another
target, even if they are not present at the time. You may also choose to
influence attitude negatively as many steps as you would have influenced
attitude positively on a successful check.
Information Network
(Ex): You gain access to a network of informants and spies that can aid you
in gathering information while in a settlement. Choose one settlement modifier
when you choose this affinity (corruption, crime, economy, law, or society.)
When you make a Diplomacy check to gather information you gain a bonus on your
check equal to the chosen modifier of the settlement and your inspiring
leadership bonus. Each time you choose this affinity you choose a different
settlement modifier.
Legendary Renown (Ex):
You add your inspiring leadership modifier to your total fame scoreUC to determine awards available in any organization you are a member of.
Master Rogue Talent
(Ex): You may choose a master rogue talent. Use your scion level as your
rogue level to determine the availability of master rogue talents. You must be
at least 10th level to choose this affinity.
Of Two Minds (Su):
You have trained yourself to fool divination magic when in disguise. Whenever
your alter ego would be subject to a divination spell, the caster must succeed
at a caster level check (DC 10 + 1/2 your scion level + your Charisma modifier)
or receive false information. The nature of this information is based on the
identity of the alter ego being targeted. Each time you take this affinity it
applies to a different alter ego. You must have the alter ego affinity and be
at least 7th level to choose this affinity.
Rogue Talent: You
may choose one rogue talent that you qualify for. Treat your scion level as
your rogue level for determining qualifications.
Revealing Observation
(Ex): When you observe a creature within 20 feet per scion level that you have
line of sight to for 1 hour, you may make a Perception check to determine
helpful information from the target's actions. Compare the result of your
Perception check against a DC of 10 + your target's Stealth modifier + special
modifiers on the table below. The more unlikely it is a target would reveal
dangerous information, the more difficult it is to discover through
Reveal an unimportant secret
Reveal dangerous/private secret
Reveal secret/forbidden knowledge
+10 or more
Reveal information that could result in punishment
Additional observations in the same day
Slip Away (Ex): As
long as you are adjacent to another creature you may attempt a Stealth check to
hide as if you had cover from every creature except the one you are using to
slip away. So long as you end your turn adjacent to another creature or behind
cover you may continue to use Stealth to hide. You must be at least 4th level
to choose this affinity.
Sneak Attack (Ex):
You gain the sneak attack class feature of the rogue. Your sneak attack deals
1d6 points of damage at 1st level and an additional 1d6 points of damage at 4th
level and every 4 levels thereafter.
Master of Masks (Ex):
So long as you are wearing a mask that covers your face you may use your
Stealth modifier in place of your Disguise modifier to conceal your identity.
Any ability you have that modifies Disguise checks still applies to this
special Stealth check. Additionally, you can use your ranks in Stealth instead
of Disguise for meeting prerequisites.
Open Content: The game mechanics of this game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d).
2: Scion Spells Per Day
3: Scion Spells Known
Open Content: The game mechanics of this game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d).
I’m surprised that they were able to rollout the game so quickly with all of the designing, editing and creating features taking just two days.
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